miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

How do I invite people to try Google Wave?

How do I invite people to try Google Wave?

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Need a brain kicker?

Are you depressed about the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain)? Will Greek demonstrations come soon to U S A? The economic situation is bad enough and certainly can have all kinds of bad consequences for the United States as well. But do not despair. Read “Fast Company” June 2010 and specifically their 100 most creative people in business. No, they do not pay me and, yes, I pay my own subscription. “Fast Company” came on scene as a more modern and a competitor to Fortune, but they have found their niche in going into design, creativity and novelty. It is certainly inspiring to read about these 100 people that range from age 15 to their seventies with a predominance of early working age. There are all kinds of creators – from furniture to games and anything in between. The predominant theme is of course the internet, and many of the business models are based on free usage. Well, free means advertising generated revenue, but that is of course the American way. It has generated the Google’s that now dominate the internet, like it or not. It would be most interesting to have your reactions to these 100 creators and even some specific person among the crowd. Many women are amongst the 100! Please comment.
There are enough creative people in this world so that we do not need to despair about the PIGS present problems….nor about the future.